It’s early September and we’re sitting by a late-night fire at the coast, feeling thankful for the rainy conditions that allow us to enjoy the unique warmth of fire. The kids are all bedded down and I'm taking a big exhale, thinking about the end of summer and what’s to come. Our family has been running in all directions this summer and it has, in many ways, felt like the once familiar busyness of a “pre-covid” summer. This fall I’m looking forward to slowing down and getting back into better routines. I’m ready for the yang energy of summer to give way to the harvest energy of the late summer, the natural withdrawal of autumn and the quieter yin stillness of winter.

As we head into fall with kids back in school, a Covid surge looming, the intensity of an election year mounting, and the aftermath of a busy summer, these are some of the things we're doing in our family to get grounded and stay healthy….

 1. Breathe. Yes, breathe. It sounds simple but deep belly breathing (diaphragmatic breathing) is one of the quickest and easiest ways to destress, calm your nerves and feel prepared to handle whatever comes your way. Fall’s, in East Asian Medicine, presents in the lungs and large intestine, so now is a great time to start incorporating better breathing into your routine. This breathing works especially well with children, and the earlier we can remind them of this, the better equipped they will be when they feel anxious or stressed.

There are many resources out there on breathing but here is a simple YouTube video to get you started.

2. Limit sugar and processed foods, increase water and eat all those great local fresh fruits and veggies that are in full swing right now. Gardens, farmers markets and CSA farm shares are fantastic ways to maximize the benefits of the foods we eat. Eating local and close to the source, gets you the freshest food with the highest nutrient value. It also has the least negative impact on the environment from transportation and reduces chemicals used to keep fresh produce from rotting.

In terms of organic vs. non-organic, each year the Environmental Working Group (EWG) publishes the “dirty dozen” and a “clean fifteen” lists which can help inform your organic vs non-organic purchasing decisions.

3. Get plenty of exercise. Exercise increases blood flow and boosts your immune response by increasing white blood cells. In a 2019 study, researchers found that exercise is an “immune system adjuvant that improves defense activity and metabolic health.” Data also supports a clear relationship between exercise and illness risk. Exercise also decreases stress by increasing the “feel-good” endorphins.

If you are not sure where to start, see this great article by our chiropractor Dr. Sabrina Dupuis on standard physical activity guidelines for various ages. 

4. Acupuncture is another great way to decrease stress, increase endorphins and increase the body’s immune system or Wei/defensive Qi. East Asian herbal medicine can also be incredibly useful to help moderate the negative effects of stress, boost the immune system, help treat viral respiratory infections and even treat lingering Covid or long Covid symptoms.

By making a few intentional changes you can help ensure a smooth seasonal transition and keep yourself more grounded, healthier and calm for what is sure to be an interesting fall. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Check in on your breathing. Are you chest breathing or belly breathing?
  • Check in on your activity levels. Are you getting the recommended amount of activity for your age?
  • Do an inventory of your nutritional and water intake. What is one change you can make right now to increase your health and wellness?
  • Review the “dirty dozen” and “clean fifteen” lists and make any needed adjustments
  • Get back into a self-care and treatment routine by calling the clinic for a new patient appointment or schedule online at

You don’t need to do everything on the list if it’s not feasible, just start with what feels easiest and build from there. If you have any other things you’ve done personally or with your family or community to help ease this transition back to routines, feel free to share them in the comments!


Dr. Annabelle Snow, DAOM, LAc is a Portland, OR holistic family Acupuncturist and Co-owner of the North Portland Wellness Center. She specializes in pediatrics, fertility and pregnancy and is co-mom to 3 beautiful children who are her teachers every day. When she’s not parenting, treating, researching/learning or writing she loves to travel, garden, cook and do photography. You can find Dr. Annabelle on Social @annabellesnow.lac and at the Clinic @northportlandwellness.

Dr. Annabelle Snow, LAc

Dr. Annabelle Snow, LAc

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